
  • How Do I Do a MA Buy Side Transaction in Dotloop?

    Here's how to do a MA Buy Side Transaction - 15-min If you need help with understanding the forms check out the article below: How Do I Do a MA Buy Side Transaction Here are some helpful guides as wel...
  • How do I do a MA List Side Transaction in Dotloop?

    Here's a 20-minute class on how to do a MA list side transaction in Dotloop. Also, if you need help understanding the forms, check this article. How Do I Do a MA Buy Side Transaction Here are some hel...
  • How Do I Do a NH Listing Transaction in Dotloop?

    Here is a 16-minute video on how to do a NH listing side transaction in Dotloop. If you need help understanding the forms please read this article: How Do I Do a NH List Side Transaction?
  • How to Add Documents to Your Loop

    How to upload documents to a loop. - 5 min Here are some helpful guides as well: Dotloop Help - Creating & Submitting Loops Unable to Submit for Review? - What To Do
  • How to Autopopulate Forms, Assign Roles, and Share Loops with Team Members

    How to auto-populate forms, assign roles, and share loops with members - 6 mins
  • How to do I do a NH Buy Side Transaction in Dotloop?

    Here's a 17 minute tutorial on how to do a NH Buy Side transaction in Dotloop? If you need help with the forms check out this article. How Do I Do a NH Buy-Side Transaction?
  • How to Size Initial and Signature Boxes

    Here's how to resize the initial and signature boxes in Dotloop - 5 min
  • How to Submit a Loop for Approval - So You Can Get Paid

    Here's a 7-minute video on how to Submit a Loop for Approval. Here are some helpful guides as well: Submit for Review - Dotloop Help Guide Dotloop Introduction for LAER Agents
  • I've never used Dotloop - Is there a class that gives a complete overview on Dotloop?

    - - - This is a one hour overview program of Dotloop. Here are some helpful guides as well: An Intro to Dotloop Guide How to Submit for Review Submitting a Check Request
  • When I login to Dotloop it asks me to upgrade to the Premium Version and wants my credit card?

    Typically this means that you've logged into Dotloop with an incorrect email. Make sure to login using your LAER email. You should NOT provide your credit card to Dotloop. LAER provides the Premium Version of Dotloop to all agents at no charge. If logging in with your LAER email does not help, pl...
  • Why Won't Dotloop Let Me Add My State?

    This is the #1 question that agents ask our Dotloop team. It's an easy fix. Here's how to fix it in 3 minutes or less. Here are some helpful guides as well: Dotloop Help - Creating & Submitting Loo...